Monday, October 19, 2009

Menu Monday

My life is beginning to settle down .... so our the meals in our home. I make about 3 meals during the week. Dance days we are doing fast to go meals. Last week I was bad and did drive thru meals.

Monday: Meals to Go - Sandwiches and Chips on the way to dance

Tuesday: Meals to G0- Another day on the go to dance.

Wednesday: Fried Fish and Tator Tots

Thursday: Spaghetti and Meatballs with a side of garlic bread

Friday: School Carnival eating out, probably pizza and nachos!

So what do we eat on the weekends?

Saturday night we usually go out to eat or grill out.

Sundays we have family night. This is my biggest meal of the week. I like to try new recipes on Sundays. We sit at the dining room table and get out the fine china. We even use china if we have burgers. It's a great family tradition!

Some of our favorite Sunday meals:
Chicken Parmagaina
Grilled Steak or Chicken

Do you have a special meal your family enjoys?


  1. We have a awesome new one that a friend gave us!! It's a tortilla mexican casserole! Yummy!

  2. I love your Sunday tradition!

    We don't really have "family" meals since it's just the two of us. And, he's gone most evenings teaching or gigging, so it's just me. But occasionally I'll try some crockpot recipe or homemade enchiladas...that's one thing I can make from scratch! ;)

  3. I'm trying to get a family dinner night started. Something where the kids always know it's family time. Can't decide on Friday or Sunday. I love the idea!

    Hey I tried to send you an email, but it bounced back, so I sent it as a message in Facebook. Let me know if you get it!


  4. I cook at least 5 times a week, some of the easiest are soups, I have a great one posted on my blog this week. And what we call taco rice, (brown ground meat, taco seasoning frozen corn,bean,peppers, and a 2-4 cups of rice, enough water or broth to cover, I add onion and garlic, cook on stovetop until rice is done and liquid is gone, serve with salsa cheese, cornchips, sourcream, avacados. etc.) Makes good burritos with the leftovers.


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