Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thrifty Thursday - Hair Cut Time

Who remembers my post about wanting to chop off my hair? Oh that time has come again, this time I am going to do it for real! No chickening out at the last minute.

I have an appointment today at 4:00 with my fabulous girl Kim at the Life Spa. Have I told you she looks like Barbie? I am hoping by her touching my hair I can look just like her :)

So long, farewell long hair! In memory here is a look back at my long hair.... with my oldest daughter and my straight long hair do.

With my youngest daugther with my curly long hair do.

Thanks Adrien and Trina for the inspiration and the kick in the butt to just cut my hair! I hope my hair looks just as fabulous as your short sassy hair styles.

So what does this have to do with Thrifty Thursday, spend a little extra $$ and get your hair cut by a professional you trust. It's worth the extra money. Sadly I have made the mistake several times and visited the local beauty school. Um yeah, I went in for a trim and accidentally got 6 inches cut off. They didn't make me pay the $10 for my hair cut, that was the only positive.

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  1. I just got mine cut like Trina's Tuesday night! I LOVE it!!
    Can't wait to see your pictures.

  2. I can't wait to see it. I might be going to Nathan's office today after I pick up Aiden. Maybe we can come by and see? And I finished Kate's shirt:) Now I'm afraid it's too big.

  3. Can't wait to see it!!! Btw, I love your hair curly, it looks beautiful! I wish mine would do that!

  4. Oh I can't wait to see the new 'do!!! Please post pics tomorrow :)

  5. YAY! Haircuts are fun! I couldn't agree more about spending the extra $$ on a GOOD haircut. It will last a lot longer, and grow out more gracefully. I spend $75 every time I get my hair cut, but I only need a cut 3 or 4 times per year!

  6. I can't wait to see it!! Maybe it will give me the guts to do mine! A ponytail is just so easy you know? However not so stylish:)

  7. Good luck! I usually go to the beauty school and it almost always takes 3 hours (seriously!) to cut my hair and it's not even long.

  8. Can't wait to see it! Post pics when you get it done.

  9. Can't wait to see it! Post pics!!!:)


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