Thursday, May 7, 2009

9 Inches Gone!

UPDATE: I AM DONATING MY HAIR TO PANTENE BEAUTIFUL LENGTHS! Donated hair is made into wigs for women who have lost their hair due to chemotreatment. Thank you Emily for sharing this program with me. It makes me more excited to cut my hair! Learn more.
Here we go.... cutting it off! I still haven't changed my mind!
I did it, actually my hair stylist Kim did it. Remember I told you she looks like Barbie, she is so pretty! I love my new hair cut!!!!! Here it is from the back.Thank you Kim for an incredible hair cut. I love it! For those of you wondering Kim is at the LifeSpa at Lifetime Fitness in Colleyville.

When I picked Little Miss up she wasn't sure about me, in her little mind she is thinking "That can't be my mommy she doesn't have a pony tail"

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  1. So super cute! Good job! Way to be brave!

  2. I love it! It's really a cute style on you!

  3. I love the new cut. I actually did this last year June and my new cut was terrible. I cried forever and ever. I did everything I could to hide my hair for a few months and after it started to grow out I began to get over it. Now it's really cute, basically what it was supposed to look like when I first cut it. Anyway, a long way to say that I'm glad you were brave enough to cut your hair and that you really like it.

  4. I think it makes you look younger! I did the same thing last fall to my hair and I got a lot of nice compliments but I haven't kept up with it. Not because I didn't like it but because it requires a trip to the stylist every six weeks. I get busy and before you know it six months have gone by and it is long again! Very nice living room and kitchen. Such a nice improvement in the color choice for your living room!

  5. Love the haircut....I just got a similar one about 6 weeks ago and am going to have it trimmed tomorrow. And the gray taken care of...YOu look great...enjoy's so easy! I love mine.

    Enjoyed your living room tour. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


  6. So are you donating those 9 inches?? You can donate them to Panten's Beautiful Lengths for women with cancer. That is where abby and I donated too a few years back.

  7. Not sure why I came up is late so I did something wrong. But Jenn it was me who posted that comment!

  8. Super cute!!! :) I did the same thing last December - 12 inches cut off - and have the same cut as yours! I love it. No regrets!

    You look fantastic!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

  9. Yay Jen, no regrets! I think it's darling and I love the back! Super sassy!

  10. Bless your heart!

  11. I'm catching up on past posts. Love your new do! What a neat idea to donate your locks too.

  12. I love it! You look fabulous!!!!

  13. Hey Jen it's Kim! I hope you're still loving your haircut! It looks great! Thanks for putting some advertisement on your page for me! I'm sure I'll see you soon! Oh, The Bachelorette starts on the 20th!


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