Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

Better late than never right? I am a little behind today on my blogging.
Yesterday as I reading my daily blogs and drinking my Diet Coke. I saw this post on Reinvented. It made me think about how much I disliked my arrangement of stuff above my kitchen cabinets. So I did a little rearranging and closet shopping and viola I like it now! I spent $0!

Let me take you on my little journey... Here is the final product!
I removed everything and started with a clean palate. I also painted over my little quote (I was so tired of it)

This is the before photo, it just didn't work for me. It had too much fake greenery and I didn't like it. Now scroll back up and see the after again, I love it!

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  1. Hmmmmm, whatcha gonna put in the place of your quote you painted over?????? :)

    Love the re-do. Would you drive to Midlothian and do the tops of my cabinets? Bring a mask cuz there's LOTSA LOTSA LOTSA dust up there!!

  2. Gorgeous! I like the quote though :) Maybe a new quote in a new spot? You've inspired me - do you just use stencils?

  3. Yay Jen!!! I LOVE the after, you did a fabulous job of varying the shapes and textures of your "new" accessories.
    (Hey, this part's a secret--when you linked up to the trash to treasure post, you linked to me instead of to you, so I'll try and fix it for you :))

  4. Me again! The link is fixed, I don't want anyone to miss your fabulous transformation, girl!
    I subscribed via my Google Reader, can't wait to follow with you!

  5. good job on the closet shopping! DId you watch that Oprah episode last week? I did the same thing, only I'm SELLING the crap I got out of my closet at a yard sale this weekend. Cute Kitchen Jen!


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