Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday - Pillowcase Dress

I've got a very talented friend, Adrien. She always amazes me with her creations. She finds something then she just makes it! The best part is it looks completely FABULOUS! She has always inspired me as artist. Take a look, at her pillowcase dress! She made this out of 2 extra pillowcases she found around the house. Then she put her signature artist touch on them.

Can you believe it is reversable?
Wanna make one? Here is the video she watched to learn how to make this dress.


  1. AMAZING! And so cute. I watched the video but I don't think I could do it. I'd rather pay HER to do it!!! HA HA. Thanks for sharing that, so so cute.

  2. omg! That is adorable! I will pay her as well to make my princess one, so cute!

  3. I love these and I have made them before, but DD won't wear them! UGH!

  4. Goodness, thank you!!! Jen you are too nice:) I have yet to give it to Miss Emma. I'll let you know if she likes it. Sounds like I need to start a side business;) Where to find the time might be an issue:( I will direct y'all to They have some wonderful people on there that make beautiful pillowcase dresses! And very reasonably priced.

  5. That is such a unique idea!!! I love it.
    Too bad I don't have a daughter...
    I'm sending this to my sister-in-law.
    Thanks! And thanks to your friend, Adrien, too!

  6. Hi there! Just found you through Alicia's site. I love these little dresses. I actually bought a kit off of Etsy in hopes of motivating myself to dust of my mom's old sewing machine that I inherited when she passed away. I hope when I do get around to making mine, it turns out this cute! Your blog is awesome!


  7. I was viewing the dress Hollie made over at:
    so I just had to come over here and see what it was all about! What a super cute dress style!


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