Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday Tip

Save a Bunch... Pack a Lunch

My husband works out at the gym MWF, on those days I pack him a lunch. It is a fast way for him to eat in the car after his workout but it also saves us more money. I typically pack him a turkey sandwich, chips, fruit and granola bar.

School lunches are going up in price. At my daughters school they typically cost $3 a day which is $15 a week or $60 a month. Wow, that adds up! She packs her own lunch many times she wants leftovers or soup. It typically costs me about $1.25 for her to take her lunch each day.

Funny fact about me... my mom packed my lunch until high school I had a peanut butter sandwich, nacho Doritos and a Little Debbie snack cake EVERYDAY for 10 years. Can you tell I am a picky eater??

We have a zoo membership to our local zoo (complete splurge). We go about once a month. It is so temping to just buy a meal but we pack a lunch with lots of extra snacks. It saves us at least $15 each trip.

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  1. Good tip. Also, packing your lunch usually gives you not just more money in your pocket, but fewer calories in your body.

  2. That is a so true! My husband recently started taking sandwich making stuff to work and eating that for lunch. We used to eat out all the time and it got way too expensive. I have been doing the same thing at home with my two boys. It has saves us tons!

  3. Hey Jen~ I just wanted to let you know that I have given you an award on my blog. I love your blog and all the tips you share. Thank you for always making me smile. :)


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