Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

This week is flying by so fast, I can't believe it is Thursday already!
One of my FABULOUS readers Elizabeth emailed me about a mixed up link for a freebie. I sent her the correct link for her free popcorn. Which brings me to the rest of my wonderful readers. Here is your link for free AMC movie theatre popcorn

Yesterday was a dreary rainy day so I decided to pull out my sewing machine for some crafty time. Adrien inspired me to do some sewing after the post yesterday. I did some browsing on and found ideas. My Little Miss has some plain shirts so I decided to embellish them with some extra fabric I had. So I created these two shirts for FREE.

How did I do it? Pretty easy if you know how to work a sewing machine.

  • First I cut a square of fabric for the backing.
  • Second I pick out the next layer. For the cross I fold the fabric in half and draw half a heart same for the cross. When you open it up you have an identical side.
  • Then I sewed the 2nd layer on the backing
  • Finally sew the finished embelishment on the fabric. I used a zig zag stich. I am not the best seamstress, so my lines are not perfect. I did this for fun and I can't wait for Little Miss to wear her new shirts!

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  1. Oh that is too cute! Is that chenille fabric behind the cross? I'm a little crazy about crosses! The cross shirt is my fave...gotta take a pic of your little miss when she gets a chance to wear it! BTW, did you fray check the cut out fabric, just wondering?

  2. Oh those are very cute! I wish I knew how to sew...

  3. I am always wanting to do things like this! But I don't know how to use a sewing machine!!!

  4. Love those! Especially the cross one.

  5. Yep, too cute girl! The cross one is precious...can I steal your idea? LOL!

  6. Good JOB JEN!! Love the CROSS top!!! XOXO

  7. Wow! Thank you for all the compliments!

  8. Those are so cute!! I don't know how to sew, but what a great idea to spice up a shirt.

  9. omg, what a super cute idea! I love how they came out. I am really going to steal this idea once I get home. (visiting family at the moment) love it!!


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