Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday's Tip- Birthday Party Gifts

This past weekend we attended a birthday party. With 3 children we have many parties to attend and they all add up... in order to keep the cost low we do some special little frugal touches.

Tip #1: Most of you probably bag recycle, what mom doesn't. We have a huge plastic tote full of gift bags. So I always have one to pull out. However... I seem to have more girly bags then boy bags. So for the boy parties we decorate our own. I find a printable coloring sheet online with the party theme and my son colors the photo and we attach to the bag to a plain colored bag. So we save $$ by not buying a new bag and we use the color sheet as the card. I don't buy kids cards because they just get thrown away that saves a few $$$.

Tip #2. Now the gift purchase.... I have a present stash. I would photograph it but I don't want anyone to see the gifts.... When I run across great deals on gift items I buy them and put in my stash. If I don't have a good gift in my stash I simply drive down the road to Ross, they have the best selection of kids gifts. Some items they carry at Target and Wal-mart but at least 50% off. Gotta love Ross!

Tip #3. Crafty Moms can always make a gift. I've given many of my custom wall signs. It is affordable for me but most of all special for those who receive.


  1. Great idea on the bag thing, placing a colored picture on a plain bag!!! Great tip. I'll definately be doing that sometime soon.

  2. I love the present stash idea! I am always running last minute to get gifts and then I end up spending way too much. Thanks for the idea.


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