Monday, February 16, 2009

Menu Monday

I am in a cooking rut, anyone else get this way. So as you can see my recipes are easy this week. I wish I could just do take out food all week but since that isn't going to happen here is our menu:

Monday: Nana's Taco Soup in the crockpot - I am modifying this recipe from my normal by adding in Hunts Roasted Diced Tomato's. Sounds like a good change.

Tuesday: Leftover Taco Soup and Nacho's

Wednesday: Bacon Cheeseburgers (Frozen lean ones bought with coupon) and Baked Tator Tots (we skipped this one last week we ate out at Chili's)

Thursday: Spaghetti and Meatballs (I still have a huge freezer bag full of meatballs from the last time I made this recipe) I am using prego roasted Parmesan sauce.

Friday: Make your own pizza or grilled chicken sandwiches. Honestly I am getting tired of pizza, I never thought I would say that.

Check out more great meal plan monday's on


  1. I get this way at the end of every season. I am ready for "summer cooking" now, you know grilling, salads, etc. And at the end of summer I will be ready for "winter", like crockpot dinners, soups, etc. It's kindof like changing my hairstyle!! :) Have a great day!

  2. One good thing about all of those menus at Org Junkie is that I can get new ideas when I get into a rut. Hang in there, ruts don't usually last tooooo long.

  3. Ugh! I hear ya! I've been in a cooking rut, too. I hate when that happens.

    Thanks for the recipe link on the meatballs. I've never made them and my dh likes them. Maybe I'll give these a try.

  4. Hi, it's me again, I posted the chicken enchilada casserole. Here is the link:


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