Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

Introducing...... my new custom signature......

post signature

I would like to thank McMommy (my favorite blog to read, she has such an entertaining writing style NEVER boring)... she had a contest for a custom designed signature provided by Jennisa over at Once Upon a Blog (this girl has designed McMommy, MckMama, Steece's Pieces and Kelly's Korner some of my other fav's). I feel very lucky to have a little bit of her design!

I admit I've had blog envy seeing other blogs with these great signatures now I have one!!

This brings me to post my purpose for Frugal Fabulous....

I want to share my fun frugal ways and help others to realize Frugal doesn't have to be frumpy and cheap, Frugal can be Fabulous. I save money and still have fabulous things! With the current economic state and continued layoffs I want to provide easy ways for families to save with little time involved. There are many more ways then simply cutting back at the grocery store and those are the ways I want to share.

So keep on reading, I am thrilled to have 50 readers! You all encourage and inspire me! Remember ... when you visit I love to see comments and I enjoy hearing ways you save too.


  1. Frugal Jen~ I just wanted you to know how much your blog has blessed me. I have made several of your recipes and I now do a weekly menu! I save about $60.00 a week doing that. Thank you for all you do. I have shared your blog with so many of my friends and family. Keep your awesome posts coming. Congratulations on your new signature!

  2. Thank you so much that really means a lot to me!!!!

  3. YAY for bloggy signatures!!! It looks amazing!!

    It makes me wish money trees were real.


  4. It looks great! I love it!! I'm so happy that I found your blog!!


I enjoy hearing from my readers!