Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thirfty Thursday and Kitchen Update

When I am doing the family laundry I always find loose change in the washing machine or hear them banging around in the dryer. In my house the family knows if it's left in the pocket's it is mommy's.

As I was hopping blogs I came across this cute idea from Domestic Divas Fancy blog. So I had to make one for myself.

I took a used candle jar, oh it still smells so good and turned it into this: Moms Tip Jar!!

Update on my frugal kitchen redo:
We got our breakdown from Lowe's.... did you know Lowe's added on $450 as the middle man. So I went online to and found a registered installer. That lead me to a new company that is a home builder that also does countertops. They came out today to measure and gave us an estimate which came to $950 for the counters and install. They also bid the tile work which is $250! So we can get the counters and tile backsplash done cheaper than the counters only at Lowe's YEAH!!!
This weekend we will be removing the old counters ourselves (look for photos). Then on Monday our new counters should be here!

This past weekend my hubby was out shopping at Lowe's and found this... a new stainless trashcan. It was on sale from $90 to $30! Way to go!!
The little one's seem to think it is a drum.

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  1. Yay for stainless steel trash cans! I can't wait to see your new countertops. And that tip jar is an awsome idea!

  2. If you are happy with the work the guys do on your kitchen, you should post their contact info for those of us in the DFW area. Maybe you could negotiate a little something for marketing them too. Just an idea.

  3. A friend of mine had the nicer laminate installed and told me to make sure that they don't route ( I am sure that isn't spelled correctly) the edges until after the top has put on. She said she has seen them both ways and the edging and top need to be on first. This is of course if you are having a rounded edge and not a straight edge. I can't wait to see them too!

  4. Looking for a stainless steel dishwasher???

    I haven't shopped around so don't know that price range but seen this and immediately thought of you and your make over. LOL


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