Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday- Must Read for Parents!

My loss will be your gain.... this past weekend my youngest daughter came down with pink eye. So I immediately call the doctor we go in for a visit and fill the prescription. Did you know the pink eye medication is $60!!!!! It is the smallest bottle ever maybe 25 drops are in that little expensive bottle. I don't even buy wrinkle cream for $60. So about $200 later (visit and medication) I found out about this....It is less than $10 and you can buy it at your local drug store!!!! To make it worse for myself ... I found a coupon for $1 off. To make me feel better about my expensive purchase I decided that if maybe I can save a reader some hard earned money it would make it better.


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  1. I've also used the Similisan earrache formula. I do think it helps and has saved us some trips to the doctor when I started using it immediately.

  2. I once worked at an elementary school and I got pink eye atleast once a month! It was horrible b/c I wear contacts and I would have to get new ones on top of the $60 medication each time. It's good to know there is somthing out there just in case my kids get it!

    Check out my blog..I gave you an award :)

  3. One thing you might ask for if pink eye requires an antibiotic, the gel instead of drops. It's gooky and gross, but works great and there is always a generic. I'm curious about this formula though, it says pink eye relief, so does it just help with the discomfort of pink eye or treat it? I will have to look into it. Thanks for the post!

  4. OMW was there not a generic? We've had pink eye in my house before and we've used drops from the pharmacy, but I know I didn't pay that kind of money for it.

    I'll have to look into the earache formula N talked about. DD said her ear hurt the other day...

  5. We also had pink eye in our household these past couple of weeks and found out after I spent the $60 that you can also use breastmilk to clear that up, so for all you breastfeeding moms out there...


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