Friday, February 27, 2009

Freebie Friday

This edition is about babies, pre-teens, potty training and free food! Everyone is covered...

Free Kashi frozen entree- sign up online and get a free coupon. Thanks Adrien for this find :)

Free Potty Training DVD- I will be starting this in a couple months with Madeline. That really means my baby is growing up :(

Free Jonas Brothers Download- as a mother of a pre-teen this is a must and can easily make your daughter think you are "cool" (Is cool still a word they use?)

Free Taylor Swift Love Song Download- another pre-teen favorite, well even a mommy favorite.

Free Pure and Clean face wash - speaking of pre-teen this is also something we must have to keep the pimples away.

Free BPA Free Reuseable bottle - Love it, we love water bottles in this house. I don't like to waste money on bottled water we use our own tap water. The only thing you have to submit 5 emails to pass along the offer too. I used my 5 family emails.

Free Cheese - All you have to do is send them your blog address and home address and they will send it to you. Then you can blog about it! I love cheese I can't wait for my free sample I want the brie, I look forward to a post with a yummy baked brie recipe.

Free Baby Blanket and Plush- personally this is the best freebie this week. Wow, this looks like a nice product for little one's. If you don't have kids only a pet your little animal can have a snuggle blanket :)

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1 comment:

  1. Wow - you compiled some great freebies this week! Thanks!


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