Monday, March 2, 2009

Menu Monday- Kitchen Demo

This is going to be an interesting week for us... my kitchen is completely torn up! We have no countertops, sink, cooktop, dishwasher or drawers. Just a big mess! We will be eating off paper goods and drinking from labeled plastic cups.

Monday: Pizza
Tuesday: Baked Potato Soup my mom made for us! (Thanks Mom)
Wednesday:Burgers (Grill) and French Fries
Thursday:Brisket and Baked Potato's (oven)
Friday: Kitchen should be functioning again! Fish, tator tots and corn, our new Friday Lent meal

Update on Kitchen: I spoke to the contractor on Friday expecting the counters to go in on Monday. No..... the laminate is not in and the counters will be installed on Wednesday or Thursday.

Sunday was demo day! Here is some of the fun and mess...

One last shot of the lovely white and teal counters

It is gone and it already looks better!

I've got my new stainless vent hood up I love it!!

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  1. A week's turnaround is excellent. When we did the total (gutted everything from floor to ceiling) it was a long, long time and had to use a hot plate for a while- and I was pregnant. Not pretty and I was a grouchy pregnant person. But it was worth it in the end. Looking forward to your after pictures. You're a very wise shopper!


  2. How exciting! I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

    Good luck through the whole process! Here's hoping that it goes as smoothly as possible! :)

    ~Karla @It's The Little Things...

  3. I am sure it will be worth the wait. Cant wait to see it


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