Monday, January 5, 2009

Menu Monday

Today is back to our regular schedule. Kate is in school and the two little one's will hopefully be back on schedule. I've added an estimated cost behind my meal item

Monday: Nana's Taco Soup (Watching the Fiesta Bowl, Go Texas) $10
Tuesday: Leftover taco soup
Wednesday: Burgers and Tator Tots $5
Thursday: Skinny Chicken Alfredo (I was supposed to make it last week but we ate out one night) I am using chicken left over from fajitas $5
Friday: Regular Make Your Own Pizza $8

I tried the best recipe on Saturday night. We made apple crisp. I found this recipe from Kraft foods. We topped it with light blue bell ice cream in homemade vanilla flavor.

Want to enter a contest for a $25 Kroger gift card? $5 Dinners is giving it away one of my favorite frugal meal blogs. Check it out!


  1. You've inspired me ! I planned a menu this week- we'll see if I follow it through or if DH ends up eating chicken nuggets and cereal! ;)

  2. YUMMY!!! that apple crisp looks amazing!

    I also make that alfredo...the best! And the taco fav (if I have it on hand, I add a tiny bit of velveeta to good, not the healthiest, but good)


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