Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesdays Tip

With the beginning of the new year I always try to get organized. I get so many coupons for restaurants, groceries and home services. I am so bad about throwing them in my coupon drawer and I end up forgetting them when I need them. So one of my New Years Resolutions is to keep my coupons organized.

Here is my plan:

  • Utilize one of my 3 ring binders that is empty
  • Divide into restaurant types (ex. pizza, mexican) and then also home services and retail stores
  • Also put in take out menus
  • When I get a new coupon I just file it easy so I can pull out when I need them

Keep a folder in your car for: (Thank you Audrianne for this one)

  • Car Wash coupons
  • Fast Food
  • Dry Cleaning


  1. Some one that showed me The Grocery Game told me that she stores her coupons in the plastic pages for baseball cards. Found them at Walmart for $5 for many, many pages and they do make things more viewable. Easier to glance at and pull out.

  2. That is a great idea!! Thanks for sharing


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