Friday, January 16, 2009

Freebie Friday

Freebie Fridays... my favorite post of the week. I love the giddy feeling of going to the mailbox and seeing the free samples inside.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser- OK, this product is magic I use them ALL the time for my little finger prints everywhere. You MUST try this sample.

Toilet Paper- we all need this, why not try a free sample of toilet paper. I signed up for the green paper, I thought the kids would laugh at this. Oh... I hope it doesn't rub the color off on their little bums.

Heart&Minds Peanut Butter- sample of some healthy stuff. I love PB on warm toast in the morning. That is the ultimate prego craving I've had.

Rachel Ray Nutrish Dog Food- we don't have a dog but this must be YUM-O! I heart Rachel Ray Free Scrubbers - unfortunately I am the maid in the home and I do all the cleaning so I always need cleaning supplies.

Carmen Estate - want some free coffee from Panama?

Febreeze Sport- free sample of odor eliminator. This is going to work in my husband's gym bag.

AROMATIK- sample of eucalyptus milk bath stuff, sounds interesting....

Free Nanosaur Autographed Comic Book- I signed up for one of these for Will, what a fun freebie.

Last but not least my friend Lindsey has a giveaway for some super cute and warm chenille socks. Go enter!


  1. Thanks for the hard work of posting this stuff Jen! I entered everything! I have a goal this year ~ to get as much free stuff as I can .. might make for good Christmas baskets!

  2. N, Thank you so much! I love freebies too!

  3. In regards to your comment about the patches on jeans, that is indeed very clever, and cute too!

    However, we use the Sear's Kid Advantage program. It is free and you can look it up on the net. You just buy your kid's clothes there (I always bought jeans one size larger) and then if the kid's wear a hole in them Sears will replace them for free.

    I would buy about three pairs of jeans per kid (one size larger than what they were currently wearing) and then I wouldn't have to buy jeans for about two years. Sears replaced them every single time (in the same size).

    When they went up a size I would start again buying three new sizes and that would keep them in jeans for a couple of years.

    My fifteen year old recently went up a size. That kid used to go thru jeans about every three months, so Sears was amazing!


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