Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weekend Edition- What's for Dinner

I realized I don't post weekend meals, I grocery shop on Fridays and plan my meals for the following week on Thursday. So I will share what we are having this weekend.

Saturday- Burgers and Tator Tots for hubby and kids (I have a girls wine party, so much fun!!) Each girl is assigned a type of wine to bring along with a food choice. Well I got Riesling which I don't normally drink, I am a red wine girl. I have to show this ... look what I am bringing as my pairing with wine.... chocolate covered pretzel sticks.

Sunday- Chicken Parmigiana (ck breast marinated in Italian dressing then covered with bread crumbs then baked) and Spaghetti with Prego Roasted Garlic Sauce

On a serious note.... I came across a blog this weekend that I thought I would pass along. I wish I had been reading it for a while because she has a great blog... but I found it today more importantly when it was most important to find it. Please read and say a prayer for her little baby girl.


  1. Jen, your girls Wine Night sounds like a blast. My friends and I play bunco...though we're really tired of the playing bunco part...I may steal your idea and do this instead!

  2. I know just the blog you are talking about! I found it last night and I prayed for Kelly and Harper. It is a great blog!

  3. Jen! Thanks for your comments on my blog. What a fun way to keep in touch. Ok WOW! You are incredible! I had no idea all that you do with your frugal Jen blog. Its like your hobby right? Its amazing! What a domestic goddess you are!!! Take care!

  4. Jen - small world. Kelly went to college with my friend Allison - she mentioned this in Sunday School yesterday. Praying hard for Harper!

    Take care!

  5. Hi Jen, Love your blog, Have you ever seen the show "FIXING DINNER"? On cable? Its awesome! The host Sandy is amazing and Ive learned so much from her. I hope you can check it out sometime.
    Its made me WANT to cook and not eat out and shes always got fast quick recipes. Its on the Food Network I think? Let me know if you catch it sometime and what you think! Thanks! Keep up the good work. I love love love your blog!


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