Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

Any moms of little boys? If your son is anything like mine loves to crawl and play on the floor sometimes even sliding on the wood floors you go through blue jeans like crazy.

I bought Will several new pairs of jeans at Target it was their special $6 ones right before Christmas, being the frugal girl I am I buy the cheap ones. What do I get?? Holes in the knees in 3 weeks in every pair!!! Urgh.... I could scream.

As I was reading around in the blogosphere (love to read my readers blogs too) I came across one of my readers post. Was it a sign , maybe... she was blogging about holes in jeans too. So I would like to feature her as my frugal find of the week. Check out her blog to see what she did with this problem. PS I also give her my frugal seal of approval for her rockin signs!


  1. Thank you Frugal Jen! You're the BEST...and so is your blog!

  2. How funny, just yesterday I spent the afternoon making patches for three pairs of jeans for my boys. I used my embroidery machine and made cute patches. A little more time consuming than the other mama did, but the reaction from my boys with worth the effort!


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