Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wasteless Wednesdays!

I am late blogging today. Me and the kids were busy at FREE story time at our public library this morning. That brings me to the tip for today. Why waste money buying books when you can rent them for FREE! We have a great new public library, the kids love going to check out books. If you do have to purchase books go to Half-Priced Books or the Barnes & Noble sale section.

We also got 3 FREE MOVIE RENTALS, at the public library. We canceled our subscription to the online movie rentals which was about $10 a month and now rent movies at the library. They even have new releases! Today we checked out The Animated Transformers, Bob the Builder and for mom and dad the Astronaut Farmer.

Check out your public library, lots of free fun! We even made new friends today:) Here is a photo of Will with our FREE MOVIE RENTALS!



    Do you have a B&N near you? Here's a free cappo. ;)

  2. Thank you for the coupon! I am going to post this on my page!


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