Thursday, October 16, 2008

Feature Blogger Contest

On Thursdays I am going to post online contests by other bloggers. The first one is my FAVORITE child clothing designer, Noelle at glamRbaby. Her stuff is FABULOUS!! She has a giveaway contest for a free Halloween onezie for the little ones or a t-shirt with a Halloween design on it. Here is her link to the contest

Here is an example of her Halloween outfit: Here is a photo of Madeline's custom Disney Outfit she made for us. Of course I have to add a FRUGAL TIP, bartering, if you don't know I am also an artist. I have a website I painted some custom chairs for her and I got a FABULOUS outfit for Madeline. I love to swap services, where you both benefit and share your talents. Below is a photo of the chairs I did for her.

My Madeline's Custom Outfit:
The Chairs I did for glamRbaby:

Come back tomorrow! I will feature Freebie Fridays, lots of great freebies for you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks girl!! YOU ROCK!! I can't wait to use your marketing tools and knowledge and I am more than willing to swap more stuff for your awesome services!! Thanks hon!!



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