Monday, October 13, 2008

Tuesdays Tips Plus an almost freebie!

Tuesdays Tip: Grocery Shopping

  • Go to the grocery store on a full tummy, if you go hungry you will buy more.
  • Set a time limit to be in the store and make sure you wear a watch. Next time you are at the grocery store notice they have no clocks. The longer you are in there the more you spend.
  • If possible leave the kids at home, little hands grab and add items secretly to your cart. If you bring the little one's make sure you bring a small bag of snack foods like chips or cereal this will keep those little hands busy and their tummies full.
  • I will tell you in posts to come about how I meal plan and ways to find savings.

Almost Free Product:

To reward you all for visiting my blog here is an almost free product, carrots at Target some of you might actually get them for free! My Target has the advertised price at $1.29 and would not accept the 99 cents coupon from the online store but I got them for 29 cents! Print this online coupon for $1 off carrots.

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