Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Fun

My husband and I made it out for a date night... at the Texas Rangers game. We were not frugal we enjoyed it from an air conditioning suite. I think this was the only time I went outside.

We've had many adventures this summer. With a family of 4 I'm all about bargains. We took a bike ride to the park and grilled hot dogs. It's was a ton of fun!

Every evening we ride bikes in the cul-de-sac with our neighbor kids. Sadly we are both moving. We'll miss them!

Sweet little girl loves playing in the water in the back yard. I call it old school fun with a slip and slide and a water hose.

Vacation Bible School has been the highlight of the summer. There is nothing like hearing my children sing praises with friends. I got teary eyed each time I head "How Great Thou Are"

It's always an adventure with us!

We're making up for lost time. Remember last summer I was on bedrest.


  1. moving??? glad to hear your having a great summer! the summer camp I have caroline at is at a church and they worship every morning! I love it when I pick her up and she's singing praise songs :)

  2. I'm so glad that you guys are taking advantage of your freedom this summer. I loved being pregnant this year, but enjoy hanging out with the baby minus the belly and the "special clothes" more! :-) Following you. Please visit Chatons World at: http://chatonsworld.blogspot.com


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