Thursday, June 23, 2011

Family Trip

We took a 2 week family road trip to Colorado. It was a blast!

I've got to brag on the kids they are some great travelers. We escaped the hot Texas weather for a few weeks and enjoyed nice Colorado weather.

I plan to do a detailed post on traveling with kids and great Colorado spots.
Definitely a family friendly vacation.


  1. We just took a three week road trip in May from Washington State to Colorado. It was so fun, but the weather disappointed us everywhere we turned. We looked for sunshine and only found it at Arches National Park in Utah and in Las Vegas (boy was that an interesting place - eek!). I look forward to reading your post. BTW, did you visit Focus on the Family? That was a highlight of our trip for sure - so cool!

  2. We went to Crested Butte the week after school let out. Flew to Co Springs (thank you frequent flier miles - one perk to Joe being gone all the time) and drove 4 hours to our destination. We hit the Garden of the Gods. Awesome awesome awesome. The weather was amazing. I could totally live there. Until winter, then I'd flee for the south!


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