Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I enjoy looking at model homes. Back in the day (when I had 2 kids) we would go out and look at open houses. Well now I mainly look online. Here are some of my favorites. I've got an online folder with photos of my "dream rooms".

First this is my FAVORITE pool and outdoor area ever. This photo is taken from a home for sale in the area we are looking. Too bad the house is only 3 bedroom. I'd say SOLD fast. All time dream kitchen. Complete kitchen paradise. I can see the kids yelling down from the balcony... "Mom, is that cookies I smell."

My husband and I are "Trekkie's" yes I admit it. This would be our dream media room. We're in talks to add one like this to the house if we move.

I adore balcony's in the house. It's so grand and beautiful. Look how little the big kids were.

Will was thinking " Not another modeling trip"

Kate was thinking... hum can I throw my brother over??
A "mom cave" yes that's for me. What a great space for crafting and "me" time.

Can't you see a reading area by the window with a nice cup of coffee?
Could I ever fill this closet up with my clothes? Umm it would take some serious shopping. Each morning I could pose and make sure my outfit was just perfect.

Dreaming about all these wonderful things can be fun. When it comes down to it I'm perfectly happy with "simple". Although some "fabulous" wouldn't hurt.

If there was one room in your house you could make your dream what would it be?

I say kitchen.


  1. Those are some great rooms! I'd like to make my master bath a dream room. Its the one room in the new house we aren't that thrilled about.

  2. Hands down kitchen! We have a decent kitchen now but I want a HUGE kitchen with lots of countertops and an island with lots and lots of gorgeous cabinets! Hold on while I go wipe my drool from my dreams. And a closet would be awesome...that's the worst thing in our house now...no walk in closets.

  3. I love your blog so much. Will follow you loyally from http://meijosjoy.blogspot.com


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