Monday, April 18, 2011

Menu Monday

It's that time again..... food time!

Since having Caroline (#4) I've had a very hard time getting the extra pounds off. Really I've put on some extra one's on top. I can't get to the gym consistently because with 4 kids someone is always sick. If they aren't sick as soon as we go to the gym we're out another week. So I've got a plan. The weather is great I'm taking the girls out in the jogging stroller and I'm doing workout videos. (Not P90X too extreme for me). I'll try to hit the gym at least 2 days a week.

I'm also trying to cut out about 200 calories out of my day.... little chocolate snacks. Yes, I have a stash and it makes things worse.

Enough already here's our menu:

Monday: Grilled Chicken Fajita Salad with fresh salsa from the farmers market

Tuesday: Make your own grilled sandwich and a side of fruit

Wednesday: Baked Ziti with Lean meat and salad
(Making a double batch to take to a friend who has a new baby)

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Good Friday Grilled Fish

Saturday: Grill steaks and chicken outside

Sunday: EASTER!!! Not sure what we're having.
I'm thinking of making a smaller version of Thanksgiving or Christmas. After all this is the day Christ has risen. A day of celebration. What do you eat on Easter?

If we sell our house we're hoping to have an annual Easter egg hunt with friends and family out on the land. As of right now we've only had 3 shows and no offers. It's been over a month. It's in God's hands.


  1. I'm with you on the extra poundage. I feel like my body has just said, "I want to weigh what I weigh and you're not going to be able to do anything about it." Frustrating.

  2. Hi Jen, Enjoying your blog and wanted to wish my blog friends a Blessed and Happy Easter, Emelia.

  3. We actually celebrate Easter with "springy" foods. Staples are a big green salad (our fav is a strawberry spinach salad), fruit, sometimes a nice caprese salad, risotto, and either ham or turkey.

  4. I'm trying to figure out a meatless Easter dish I can make.... one can celebrate the risen Lord with quinoa, right?

    Good luck with the house selling. It is a trying time, especially with 4 kids. You deserve a little chocolate from time to time!

  5. Do you have a Wii? Then why don't you do Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active 2, Walk it Out, Your Shape (which has a section just for Moms), Just Dance or Biggest Loser. Wii has so many to pick from. EA Sports Active 2 has a heart monitor and it's like having a personal trainer. I lost 30 pounds using the Wii Fit and went from a size 12 jeans to a size 4.

  6. it is tough with 4!! I am in the same boat- maybe we could trade off days?? lol


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