Saturday, February 12, 2011


Check my email....

Read blogs....

Check my email again.....

(Computer beep) another email....

Check facebook....

This is what happens throughout the day.

I spend entirely too much time on the computer. I'm going to do a test this next week.

Starting tomorrow Sunday I will have my computer off when the kids are up and awake.

I will only check my email and blog when the girls nap or in the evenings after the kids go to bed.

I'm doing this because I keep saying "If only I had a few more hours in the day" Well I found the answer for me.

Plus the kids learn by example and I want them to know they are so very important, and not be distracted by the computer and my cell phone.

So if I don't respond very quickly to email this is what's up.

I'm actually looking forward to being unplugged a bit.

Does the computer ever suck endless hours out of your day?


  1. Yes definatly! I always find myself getting sucked in when I should be doing other things : /
    Maybe I should give it a try... I defiantly don't want my kids to think that the computer is more important than them. I think it great that you are going to be 'unplugged' during the day :)

  2. Thats a good idea, leaving the computer on takes not minutes but hours out of my day:)

  3. Totally agree!!! The internet is like a black hole, I get stuck in it for hours, I can't help it though the blogs are sooooo addicting!

  4. Great post...I am SO in agreement that computer use can suck hours out of a day. I have had to make a concerted effort to watch myself in that regard because there have been some days where I really don't accomplish anything. Not a good feeling.


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