Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Free Decorating Tips and Free TV

You would think we spent hours and lots of money on expensive satellite TV since our TV is the center piece of our room.

Nope, we spent $0 each month on our TV bill. We do pay $9 a month for netflix. Love it!

Netflix has cable shows.. imagine that? Last year we decided to ditch the dish.
It was my husband's idea. I agreed very reluctantly and a year later I'm loving it! Never thought I would say that.

Don't get me wrong I miss my HGTV, Discovery Channel and E!
This blog world has also shown me I can get the same decorating tips and entertainment for free.

These ladies have some talent... they give me serious inspiration.

Better After - Home project instant gratification!

The Magic Brush - If I could have a painting buddy it would be this lady.

320 Sycamore - Another mom of a large family. She's got great ideas on a budget.

Nesting Place- Everyone loves the Nester.

Thrifty Decor Chick- Great ideas and a great sense of humor.

Shanty2chic - These girls are master DIYers.

There's No Place Like Home - This girl I know in real life. She's just a beautiful as her house.

Chic on a Shoestring - Great and creative ideas.

Projects Plenty - If I could swap houses with anyone it would be her. She's got great style!

Beneath my Heart- Inspiring and beautiful.

Beyond the Screen Door- Master seamstress.... could I borrow her sewing mind?
The Lettered Cottage- Another blog world favorite. HGTV needs Layla!
So tell me do you have a favorite home decor blog?


  1. I want to get rid of our uverse but we love football and sports of all kinds. I wish there was a way you could get rid of everything but sports?? I commend you for being able to let go. I love netflix too!!!

  2. $9 a month is a bargain! Thanks for the shout out! That was sweet!

  3. Jen... what?!! I am seriously honored you listed my blog in your post. I have followed your blog and love the diversity (decorating, family, food, crafts, etc.). What I appreciate just as much is the substance, quality, and usefullness of your posts. You are a smart girl. :)



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