Monday, February 21, 2011

Menu Monday

Before we talk food we gotta talk sale:
Hobby Lobby has there knobs and pulls 50% off this week! They don't put them on sale very often so this is the week to get them.

Monday: Chicken Quesadilla's

Tuesday: Sandwiches
(Busy, busy... baseball and dance night). We usually have grilled cheese or grilled panni' type sandwiches.

Wednesday:Hearty Mac and Cheese
. I make a family size kraft mac and cheese like the box says, add 1 can of stewed tomato's (I blend it in the blender first). Then I add a pound of ground beef. Season with some garlic salt and it's done. This isn't one of my favorites because I'm not big on ground beef (except of course for burgers) but the kids love it.

Thursday: Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and Fruit

Friday: Make Your Own Pizza

Saturday: Mexican Lasagna.
Now this is one of my all time favorite recipes. I came up with it by experimenting. I see it now in magazines and Kraft foods so some other ladies must of messed around with it too.... or someone got the idea from me :)

Sunday: Out to eat for our family night. We will be in my hometown celebrating a great milestone for a women who really changed my life. One women I can truly call my mentor. Angie has been the executive director for the local Crisis Pregnancy Center for 20 years. Now shes accepted a position as the director of a new maternity home and adoption center. Some people really inspire you in life and I'm honored to know this godly women.

One more thing.... I will post tomorrow the answers for Name That Baby.

1 comment:

  1. We had chicken quesadillas last night. Yum! I will have to try that mac and cheese thing.


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