Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Princess Love

A few weeks ago Madeline went to a friends birthday party.
I've got to tell you the biggest hit.... Tinkerbell.

This little tea shop had a teenager dress up like Tinkerbell. The girls went wild! My Madeline couldn't stop talking about meeting Tinkerbell. It was the best thing ever for her. Look at her little face she was in princess heaven!
I can't wait until we head to Disney World this summer.
Brings me to my point....
Have a friend or teenager you know come to your little princesses party dressed up.
Halloween costumes or even old prom dressed make an instant princess.
Take photos of each girl and the princess and viola, party favors.
Thanks Jenny for a great party!

1 comment:

  1. We did something similar for my daughter's last birthday party. We hired a youth from our church to come as a ballerina and had all the kids come in ballet clothes (and had some for those that didn't have their own). The youth taught the girls a little dance and then they all got on tutus and lipstick and put on a show. Which we filmed. And then they got to watch the movie... The kids were so excited about a "real ballerina"! This youth girl practically did the entire party! Best 20 bucks I ever spent for a party!


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