Monday, December 13, 2010

An Early Merry Christmas

I've been MIA in the blog world a bit. We've had a lot going on.
I wanted to share our Christmas Card family photo. My good friend Adrien at APM Design Photography took our photos. I've known her since we were in 9th grade!

Here's my oldest daughter Kate, she's the baker of the family.

The holidays are busy times for our family of 6. So I'm slacking a bit in the blogging area. I've enjoyed reading so many holiday posts and home tours. Where's mine? Well this year we are doing things a bit different. We waited until last night 2 weeks before Christmas to put the tree and decorations up.

Why? We decided to truly experience the advent season, the preparation for Jesus birthday. We started some new family traditions. Last night we had a blast putting up the tree, jamming to music, and making Christmas cookies.

If I don't get back to my blog until after Christmas.

I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!


  1. That is the BEST family photo! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Great colors in that pic!

    We are doing the same thing for Christmas this year. We are getting our tree this Friday and not decorating it until the 23rd. All of our tree decorations are going to be homemade. We made salt dough ornaments today. I'm lovin' it!

    Miss you!

  3. What a beautiful family and great picture!

    Merry Christmas to you too!

  4. I love the family picture. Merry Christmas to you, too.

  5. Your family is absolutely STUNNING!! What a beautiful it! :) Merry Christmas!

  6. Wonderful picture! Your family is beautiful. Hope you had a great Christmas.

  7. Loved your card! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas sweet friend!

    p.s. making Nicole's ornaments was super fun, not hard at all {at least the crystal ones weren't!}, you have to try these next year!


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