Sunday, July 25, 2010

Still Cookin & Baby Projects

All the drama and hospital stays started one week ago. Thank you God a week later baby is still baking in my tummy. As I type baby has the hiccups.

I haven't posted many pregnant photos. This was taken at my cousins on the 4th of July. Kind of a blurry pic but it's me... belly and all. I think I've gained a ton more belly since this was taken.
Me and the little ones at the hospital last week. Yes I was all smiles with morphine.
Now on to some fun crafty frugal projects. I'm Frugal Jen right?

Last week before this all started I did some sewing. Yes, I was seriously nesting. I made a small blanket with scrap fabric and ribbon. I pulled out 3 old burp rags gender neutral and sewed on ribbon and trim.

I didn't want to go too girly in case it's a boy. Not really wanting to have a frilly little boy.

This was my big project... big brother and sister shirts. I've been searching etsy and ebay for weeks debating buying shirts. At about $30 each I decided I could try it myself.

The result $15 later this is what I got. They are very cute! My friend Jenny at BellaBowz made the bows for us. See we have 2 little onezies one for girl and one for boy. If it's a girl she's even got her first little bow.... so cute!!

So as of today, Sunday we've got a countdown until Friday 36 weeks! I go off my contraction stopping meds Saturday morning.

We've got a poll going at our house. My husband's birthday is Wednesday, August 3rd. He thinks the baby will be born on his birthday. I think baby will come next Sunday the 1st.

So what do you think? When do you think baby will arrive? Just a clue
(I've NEVER gone past 36 weeks and 1 day)


  1. The first would be a great day! That's my birthday!! :)

    The shirts are adorable and I am thrilled you are still hanging in there!!

  2. July 31 is my birthday so that would be a fabulous :) Hang in there! You're doing a good job!

  3. Your shirts and burp cloths are cute! It would be rather cool if baby was born on hubby's birthday! Not much longer now!

  4. Those burp clothes and shirts are too cute! I love the ones for the older kids.

    Baby is almost here (:

  5. SO cute...great job!! Hope you are feeling well...I bet it will be soon! :)

  6. Not sure when baby will come, but I've been praying for you; I'm sure he or she will come at the PERFECT time!

  7. I think the 30th!

    Love the shirts!


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