Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Serious Nesting

You hear or might recall the distinct nesting instinct before you have a baby. Let me share my past activities right before my kids were born:

Katelyn: I was in college and pulled an all nighter writing the best paper in my college career. It was due in a week but I had this strange instinct I had to finish it.

William: I was working full time. I took the afternoon off and did some final shopping for baby and finished my monthly reports... early.

Madeline: I obsessively painted the dining room at the new house. We were remodeling before we moved in. I finished the crown molding and headed to the hospital. My husband thought I was crazy.

Baby #4: Not sure this is it but this morning I woke up full of energy and organization on the brain. I reorganized my son's toy bins (sitting down), hung up pictures that have been waiting for months. Helped Madeline pick up her room. Ordered the kids to do their laundry and separated mine out. Last night I had my husband hang up the blinds in the baby's room. It's only 9 o'clock but fore some reason I have so much energy and I'm on fire. I've only had a few normal contractions. Although last night I tossed and turned and moaned with contractions.

So this could be it.... I've had 2 out of 3 children on the 27th. Today is the
27th.... I'm 35 weeks and 4 days. I'm ready, really ready. The last 10 weeks on some sort of bed rest and in and out of the hospital has taken a toll on me. I'm ready to just be Jen again and have the baby in my arms. Do you ladies remember that "OK, I'm tired of being pregnant moment?"

I know I should be resting I am off to take a shower then spend the rest of the day on the couch. It was just weird I had to share. Still hoping I hold off until Friday since that is my 36 week mark.


  1. Hopefully today will be THE day!

  2. Wow... today totally sounds like you are nesting!

    I just wanted to say that I stumbled upon your blog while doing a google search about painting doorknobs (your post about paint your cabinet hardware came up) and I have been in love with your suggestions ever since. I hope you and the baby get some rest, and that in the next few days you'll be welcoming that litte bundle into your family!

  3. I know you are ready but let's keep that baby safe for another week:) He/she will be nice and ready then!
    Praying you rest and take it easy.

  4. I only wish the nesting happened after the kids are born too!!!

    Thinking of you and baby, keeping ya'll in prayer for the magical number of 36.


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