Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning - Day 2 Step Outside

Remember this photo from last year. I added some additional green stuff to the yard. Anyone know what happens to Oleander? I think I killed it. It's all brown and dead.
Hoping in a month it will all look like this again.

I had all intentions of doing the teenagers closet but with her busy activity schedule it's going to have to wait.

So I took a step outside and pulled the weeds in the flower beds. It was very overdue. We've had a lot of rain lately and the weeds are growing so fast. I was embarrassed each day when I drove up thinking what an eyesore my yard was. Hubby still needs to mow. Gotta love these Texas weeds!

The kids kept me company on our sunny and beautiful 65 degree day. Our driveway is scatter with precious chalk art. We had a great afternoon pulling weeds and enjoying the beautiful day.


  1. Sounds like a great day to me:) It's raining here but we had 5 days of sunshine so I can stand it:)

    Have a great weekend.

  2. I think my Oleander is dead too, think the frost might have killed it. I'm gonna wait and see before I pull it out though.


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