Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break

The kids are off this weeks so I am also taking a break from blogging and my spring cleaning project. We have lots of fun activities and a mini vacation planned.

We are heading to the indoor pool at the gym this morning for some fun swim time!

See you next week! I will post next week about my closet cleaning projects we did this past weekend.

We also dropped off some maternity clothes at the crisis pregnancy center and passed some kids clothes on to a friend.


  1. Sounds like fun! Enjoy your Spring Break.

  2. Sounds like you have a fun break planned with your kiddos! I’m taking my niece’s who are also on Spring Break on a picnic tomorrow! I hope the weather cooperates.

    Oh you should definitely check it out. It was a blast and we didn’t spend a dime. They have little dog park in the middle of the neighborhood if your kiddos are into dogs. My niece loved it!


  3. Hope you have had a wonderful week!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What I had wanted to tell you was that I was looking back through a lot of your old posts and was thrilled to read about how you too try and live below your means so that you CAN have opportunities later and also retire at some point! :) We do the exact same thing. Live way below our means and I do see other people who make WAY WAY less than us driving more expensive vehicles, wearing more expensive clothes, etc. I could do that ten times over them but choose not to. So I know exactly what you mean.

  6. Hope you guys had a good trip!

    I have something for you on my blog:


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