Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Screaming Craving

Pregnancy is well known for very strong cravings. Well my 1st one was Lemon Poppy Seed muffins. Thank you Carrie for fulfilling that craving! She was such a sweet friend and brought them to me at our moms group meeting last week. I inhaled them so fast!

Now for major craving #2...... IHOP pancakes! It's overwhelming out of control. I've just got to have them! Thinking about ditching my chicken and rice plans for dinner tomorrow for some good ole pancakes for dinner.

Did you know IHOP has Cheesecake pancakes? Seriously must be heaven!

When I think of how much I want pancakes it's going to be a reminder today to pray for my sweet friends who are trying to get pregnant. May God bless them with a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

When you were pregnant what were some of your cravings?


  1. If you can hold off your craving until 2/23 (or even if you can't), that's when they have their free shortstack for each customer. All it takes is a donation to the Children's Miracle Network!

  2. Oh, and I won't lie. My husband had the cheesecake pancakes and they were gooood. A little rich, though. And when I was pregnant all I really ever wanted was cilantro and onions. With every pregnancy it was the same. I'd just eat pico de gallo with a spoon.

  3. Mine was tomatoes. Funny thing, I hated tomatoes before that! Pregnancy is a weird weird thing!

  4. salted pretzel w/ cheese from Target....but the last few times I've asked, either the cheese machine is broken or they are out of pretzels! Not fair!

  5. You are in luck! They have all you can eat pancakes right now. We went a few days ago and I was a mad woman in there. I never eat pancakes...don't like them but I CRAVE them now that I'm pregnant. They were so good I think we are going back soon...if they'll let me :)

  6. When I was pregnant with my first my craving was lox and bagels with chive cream cheese from Al's Deli. They were so cute at the Deli, every Sunday after church we would stop in and Al would have to see "how our baby is growing" and yes I was growing too.

  7. mac-n-cheese and apple juice!

    also, i hate to be negative nancy, but you may want to check out the risk of eating poppy seeds while pregnant. it may have changed since i had cooper, but i know it was on my "no-no" list from the doctor when i was pregnant.

    also, as soon as you start showing, i'd love to see a belly shot!

  8. With Annelise I CRAVED Subway chicken breast sandwich. The worst day of my life was ahving to tell mike the subway guy we lost her. He had to go home that day. I guess after 2 sandwiches a day for 33 weeks you get attached:( With Bel it was American bland food. Potato soup etc and also salt& vinegar chips! Then with P it was back to Subway ( but a different one because who could face Mike again) and we ate Panera at least once a week for the sourdough bread! Yummy

  9. I have an amazing recipe for you! Lemon cream cheese crescent rolls! SOO good!

  10. Hamburgers, apple juice and strawberry icecream floats made with Ginger ale. Random!

  11. I think pancakes sound good and I am not even pregnant. I craved Dr. Pepper and orange slices. I don't drink that anymore or eat the orange slices. LOL!

  12. Ice & kit kats...that's all I wanted!!

  13. outback cheese fries & fruit smoothies!! that is when we learned about the half size order of cheese fries....so good, but so fattening!! but in the same insane way i craved those things i COULD NOT eat chicken or big hunks of red meat! i could do hamburgers but not steaks...crazy!! congrats again on the pregnancy :)

  14. powdered donuts :) I also craved watermelon! (I had more food aversions than cravings with my pregnancies!)

  15. You know IHOP has all you can eat pancakes right now!

    I craved shrimp and mexican food with Nathan... among many other things! I craved cake with Claire, and I think Mexican food again!

  16. I craved BBQ and chips and queso when pregnant with my daughter - so weird! The funny thing is, a girlfriend of mine craved the exact same two things when pregnant with her little girl, too....but craved other things when pregnant with her son. Maybe it's based on gender? Ha!
    Love your blog!
    Amy in Texas

  17. Hospital food---no joke.

    They even gave me the employee discount b/c they thought that I worked there...I ate there at least 3 times a week!!


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