Monday, January 25, 2010

Menu Monday

Looking forward to a calm and peaceful week, a mom can dream right?

Monday: Make your own Toastatos. Topped with beans, cheese, lettuce, ground beef, salsa, guac, sour cream

Tuesday: Meals on the Go - PB sandwiches and fruit

Wednesday: Chicken and Rice with Crescent Rolls
Easy recipe: 3 chicken breast cooked and shredded
2 cups of cooked rice
Scoop of butter
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup of chicken broth
Mozz Cheese

Mix together and bake for 25 minutes at 375. Love this!

Thursday: Left over ck and rice

Friday: Make Your Own Pizza Night

For more recipes visit


  1. your meal plan would work great with teens

  2. I need to get my act together and start making a meal plan each week. Check out the award I have you over on my blog ;)

  3. This is EXACTLY the kind of recipe I have been looking for. Thanks :) I found you over at Beths Blog.

  4. I make a recipe a lot like that (w/ cheddar broccoli soup & frozen broccoli) but we never have left overs! Do you serve a lot of other sides w/ it too? I'd love to know how to stretch the recipe w/out having to double it.


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