Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To's Custom Hat & Cape

I interrupt all the Christmas celebrating for a birthday party. Anyone else have a December Christmas baby? My friend Ashlee has a beautiful little girl who celebrated her birthday last week. Her daughter Milla and Madeline are good buddies. Remember this post when she made some custom shirts for the girls?

Ashlee made the most beautiful little party hat. I've seen these creations on esty for $40. She's shared the pattern and instructions for my readers. Thanks girl! Let me share: Here is the pattern she used. She enlarged the pattern to make a larger size.
Items Needed:
  • Foam Craft Sheets (the flexible and bendable kind)
  • 1/2 yard of crushed velvet
  • Craft maribu (the fluffy feathery stuff)
  • Rhinestones
  • Soft Fabric and Elastic Headband
  • Felt for the number
  1. Trace the pattern on the foam craft sheet
  2. Glue the crushed velvet to the foam pattern
  3. Add rhinestones
  4. Cut the birthday number from felt and attach to the hat. Ashlee used the Disney font and printed a number 2 and used it as a pattern.
  5. Hot glue the hat together and add the maribu and attach to the headband

My little Madeline and birthday girl Milla in her special party hat.

We were both in the craft mood. I made Milla a cupcake cape for her birthday. She's got everything cupcake so a cupcake superhero she is.
Sorry I don't have pattern for this one. I will try my best to explain my made up way to make a cape.
  • I simply use 1/2 yard of fabric and fold it in half and cut it in a taper shape
  • Fold in the sides and hem
  • Before I sew the elastic in the neck I do the felt work
  • I cut the felt design and pinned then sewed in a zig zag stich
  • For the neck I fold and pin in the elastic and sew it closed.
  • Pull the elastic to shorten the opening then sew down and cut elastic.
  • Finally I use self adhesive Velcro to hold the neck closed.

For more crafts visit A Soft Place to Land DIY Party


  1. AWESOME! Thanks for sharing, girl!

    Alexie's birthday is 3 days before Christmas...so we are just now (almost 6 years later) getting used to throwing a birthday party into all of the Christmas mix. And shortly after that (Jan. 10th) is Kylie's birthday and shortly after that (Valentines Day) is Kole's....and that doesn't even include mine (Jan. 5) - YIKES! Needless to say, it takes me a while to wind down after the holidays! But, I LOVE this hat...precious!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Jen.. Milla LOVES her cape... it was the first thing she did when she got home from school today.

  3. HI! I just LOVE the cape you made for Milla! Unforunately I can't stitch or even sew a button!! Do you ever make these to sell? I looked for some on ETSY but I couldnt find anything anywhere near as cute! I would love to buy one for my daughter who is 2! My email is Taylorchrisie@yahoo.com



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