Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Best Kids Gift!

I can honestly say " I love Build-A-Bear Workshop".

Know why?

My kids absolutely go crazy to go. They even put on their best manners while I shop at the mall just to get a visit to the store.

Will made "puppy"when he was 1 and at the age of 6 still sleeps with him every night. When "puppy's" bark stops we simply go to Build-A-Bear and they replace his bark for free.

Not your typical stuffed animal. It's the special one your kid keeps over the years then fondly pulls out when they are grown up.

Knowing now how I feel about Build-A-Bear you can imagine my kids excitement when a special shipment arrived from mom select yesterday for me to review on my blog.

Christmas came early at my house!

Look at Will's new moose. Can't you see the excitement in his little eyes? The ears even light up.
We also got a girl. So the girls are "sharing". Kate is 12 and still sleeps with her Build-A-Bear Bunny she made when she was about 4. Shush... don't tell her I told you.

Here is the happy couple. Will put them out on the dining room chair before my cookie exchange party last night.
"Mr Moose" is already sharing clothes with "puppy". That's another great benefit of the store. You can take your special animal shopping and the outfits are affordable.

So this Christmas if you have a child to shop for, get a gift card to Build-A-Bear or build one online for a wonderful gift. Smiles and excitement are a guarantee!


  1. Dawson still takes Robby with him when he leaves for the weekend. A couple of weekends ago he even changed his clothes before he left.

  2. I just signed up at mom select! Build a bear, as you know, is a favorite in our house!!


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