Monday, November 30, 2009

Menu Monday

I think I might stop eating for a week or so.... I am still full from Thanksgiving, the leftovers and our annual day after Thanksgiving cookie bake.

Speaking of being full .... I was watching a show on Discovery that momma whales don't eat for something like 9 months after they have a baby whale. Ummm yeah.

Someone might call CPS so I think I'll feed my family this week.

Monday: 5:45 pm Hit the gym (my favorite class) + dance for Kate = meal on the go, Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Tator Tots. Slim Fast bar for me.

Tuesday: I am hosting a neighborhood women's Cookie Swap. Lots of cookies and appetizers.

Wednesday: Whole Wheat Spaghetti and Meatballs (I use Prego Marinara sauce and I do meatballs separate because I don't eat them)

Thursday: Grilled Burgers and Chips ( I don't eat very much red meat so I usually do a grilled cheese and pepper quesadilla)

Friday: I think I am going to do a Make your Own Stir-Fry with chicken, meat and veggies.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have my meals planned out but I eat a lot more fattening than you do:) Southerners can't help it. Thank goodness that I am thin and don't eat too much. I love to cook and I spend a lot of money on groceries but cooking and baking is something I love and I have a husband that loves to eat. It all works out in my house. LOL


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