Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Laundry Room

Kelly is once again hosting Show us Where you Live. Today is laundry rooms. Let me share mine.
Here are my new black cabinets in my laundry room.... I wrote all about my adventure here
Well I added a little spice let me show you...

I got this wonderful iron scroll for $6 at Hobby Lobby. It was a rusty color so I spray pained it with the same black paint. I got the knobs for $1 each!

I pulled out my stainless serving tier to put my laundry supplies on. I finally but this little used item to work.

Here is the before.... urgh.

I enjoy leaving my laundry room door open now to enjoy my nice new black cabinets. I am still on the lookout for more accessories.

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  1. Ok- here's a bargain- beautiful iron daybed from Pier One for $50 on Craigslist. The problem- it was a brownish color. Solution- black spray paint- imagine that. The black created such a sleek semi-gloss sheen and really emphasized the cool swirls. Daughter needs a smaller bed for her room so I searched high and low for a deal and found one. Buying a mattress today at Sam's- the best deal after looking everywhere for a nice, new one.

    Your willingness to try new things inspired me!

  2. cute!!!! :) Love the repurposed tray thing!

  3. def fabulous!!! you gotta love hob lob!!!

  4. Don't you love it when you can call your laundry room your "happy place"? Don't know if you call it that, but I bet it makes you feel that way now every time you walk by it!

  5. It looks so great! Love it! Congratulations!

  6. That looks great! I love the black cabinets!!!

  7. Much better!!!!! It really dresses your laundry room up. :)

  8. Wow, I wish my laundry room was that neat!

  9. Looks great... all you could add is a little Uppercase Living about Laundry... they have some super cute things!! :)

  10. Wow! That really made all the difference! You are such an inspiration.

  11. It looks GREAT JEN!! I am lovin' it!!! You go girl!! My hubby better be glad we are moving or I would be paintin' and spray painting ALL kinds of things!! lol (including my kitchen cabinets) XOXO


  12. I love your laundry room! I like before and after pictures! Great job! I love the scroll artwork above the cabinets!

  13. I love your black cabinets! They look fab!

  14. looks awesome - I think I need to get to work


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