Monday, June 15, 2009

Tuesdays Tip - Sell That House!

Several years ago we put our house on the market. We had a contract in 10 days, wow! Well, the housing market has changed but here are some tips that helped us.
  1. Negotiate your realtor fee's. Some Realtors will do 5%.
  2. Put your listing on Craigs List for additional coverage... it's free.
  3. Have your realtor set up an open house for other Realtors.
  4. Get rid of clutter and box up junk. Check out HGTV shows on this topic, there are tons!
  5. Send an email out to your neighbor friends that you are selling. Who knows they might have a friend who is looking in your neighborhood.
  6. Listen to your realtor when they want to price your house. Price it to sell!

This brings me to a good friend of mine. They have a great home and they have followed all the rules of staging. Sadly it's the housing market. So the last shot is here on my blog. If you are looking for a home in the Arlington, TX area check out her listing.

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  1. Thanks for the tips! We have been working tons on my husband bachelor pad ready to sell. Sign goes in the yard a week from today!

  2. This market is such a bummer - it's hit us so hard up here in the NW. Lots of people I know bought houses 2 or 3 years ago, and now their houses are worth less then what they bought it for. At least we have been in ours for 9 years, so it's not quite so bad, but I think we are staying put for a while even though we have totally outgrown our house!

  3. We're selling now too, though our sign has only been up 3 days. We're doing "by owner" so hopefully it will go well. Good luck to your friend. The price on her house is really good...


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