Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Suffocating in Paint

*** UPDATE*** Since I posted this I had a glass of wine relaxed and got the same paint in a can and painted the base cabinets. I should post a photo tomorrow. A little wine always does the trick... oh yeah I also had a free root beer float from Sonic (before the wine).

You all know I love black spray paint. Well I think I have overdosed. Let me share, I decided on a whim to paint my laundry room cabinets black. Ahem with spray paint... in a room with no windows and the door closed. Not smart.

So I hope to share my photos with you shortly. Right now I have a spray paint headache and I cannot think to write anything else for a couple days. Overwhelmed .... very. How in the world and I going to finish. Right now I have the doors all primed gray and the trim primed gray.

My tip, plan don't just jump into painting cabinets INSIDE your house without thinking about it. Luckily the weather is nice all the windows and doors are open downstairs with the kids upstairs. I am the only crazy one down here writing to my bloggy friends. HELP!

On a positive note we are going out of town to the lake this weekend and leaving on Friday! Lots of fresh air!

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  1. I have done something similar today! Our master bath floor has been partially stained concrete for a year and a half. Instead of finishing staining it, I decided to do a faux painted finish. I cleaned it with TSP, primed it, painted it two coats of a light gold color. All was well. Then I decided to do a faux finish with a wood stain. Well, wood stain may not have been a good idea. That was over two hours ago and although it looks so cool, it is SO TACKY! I don't know if it's going to dry or not! I was planning to top it with polyurethane. I think I will test an area even if it's not completely dry and see if it will harden. If not, we may have to hire a tile guy!! :)

  2. I am glad you went for a can of paint. You inspired me and I am painting all of the furniture in my step daughters room. Some priner, a good can of paint and the right kind of roller will make the job MUCH easier! Can't wait to see your end results!


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