Thursday, June 4, 2009

Black Painted Cabinets

If you are visiting from Kelly's Blog. Click here for the correct post! Sorry :) This post is the process of painting my laundry room cabinets black.

I finished painting my laundry room cabinets black! I really like it. I am looking forward to accessorizing it. Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick inspired me. She has an amazing laundry room.

This is the current state of my laundry room. I am on the lookout for some great knobs. Let me share my journey... This is the before yesterday morning. I was so tired of the well.. all of it. Notice the far left cabinet is darker. I tried to rub stain on and it just looked dirty. So on a whim I decided to paint them black.

So I took the cabinet doors off. I am not the best organizer. One day I hope to tackle the inside.

I then primed with Kilz white primer I didn't have a brush on gray. Not a good idea. I then tried to paint on the black paint on top of the white primer. It was a streaky mess.

I was too cheap to go to the store to buy a grey primer so I had a brilliant idea to use the spray paint in this small room with no windows. Not such a smart idea the fumes were off the charts. However it did work. I then went over the primer with black paint. Notice my grocery bag's inside the cabinets.. I did this so I didn't have to remove all the junk. It worked!
To prevent the spray paint from going all over the place I used a manila folder to block the area I didn't want to paint.

I put the doors back on and viola they are black. I can't wait to accessorize next week!

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  1. They look great! I am so inspired! I've been wanting to do my kitchen cabinets, but then I worry that once I get started I will have to do the baseboards and window trim pieces, too.

  2. It looks good black! Can't wait to see how you accessorize it!

  3. Awesome!!! You do the best projects!:)

  4. This looks awesome! Just wondering, did you sand it down first?

  5. Wow, it looks great! My favorite part is the grocery bags stuffed in the cabinets, fabulous idea!!! :D

  6. I cleaned out my utility room cabinets yesterday and for a moment visualized them black... and I may just do it. You inspired me! I did learn from your ventilation issues and will open up all the doors prior. Your's turned out so cute and this is my shot to see if the kitchen is a do-able project.

    Love your posts!

  7. I want to paint mine black too!

  8. great job!

    see my home:


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