Monday, June 22, 2009

Menu Monday

We had a mini staycation at the Great Wolf Lodge the weekend. It is about 15 minutes from our house. The kids had a blast!
We stayed free it was for a regional meeting for my husband's work. Free is great! Check out their great deals for a summer staycation!

Let me share what's on our menu this week:

Monday: Salders BBQ with Tator Tots and Corn

Tuesday: Left over brisket on baked potato's

Wednesday: Burger's!

Thursday: Mexican Lasagna and Salad

Friday: Leftover's

Saturday: Hubby and I leave for Vegas!!!

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1 comment:

  1. looks like fun! We are not coming home until Christmas. When the weather is nice here, I don't want to leave and come home. Chris goes to Doha, Qatar mid-July then when he gets back we are going for a week to Cannes, France! Yea! warm and beachy!!


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