Sunday, June 21, 2009

Concert on a Budget??

I took my daughter to her first concert... The Jonas Brothers at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium. This thing is huge!
You know I have to save money let me share...
#1. I bought the mid-priced tickets. Really the seats are just as good.
#2. I got Kate a shirt ahead of time at Justice for $2! They were selling them at the show for $50!!
#3. I did splurge on some souvenirs, a poster, a program and a necklace.Here we are in our cheap seats!

Our seats seemed like front row because of the huge screen.
Since I saved $$ I parked far away about a mile to be exact. So we waited around and walked around after the concert. Can you believe parking was $40 close and we still paid $20 a mile away.

I had a great time with my daughter! Sometimes events like this are worth the splurge the memories are priceless.

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  1. Looks like yall had a fantastic time! Kate looks adorable in her Jonas Brothers shirt... you are SUCH a cool mom for taking her!

  2. Oh, fun for you and Kate! Kyndal would LOVE to have done that! Brynne wants to see Hannah Montana in Tulsa.

  3. WE WERE THERE TOO!! It looks like you guys had a glad you got to enjoy that together! HUGS!


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