Monday, April 27, 2009

Menu Monday- Pantry Purge

Pantry and Fridge Purge- We've got some food accumulated I need to get rid of. This weeks menu are those easy items we have a busy week on the go.

Monday- Sadlers Brisket and French Fries (We didn't eat it last week)
Tuesday- Leftover Brisket and Baked Potato's (We missed this last week too)
Wednesday-Nacho's, Ground beef, re-ried beans, black beans, cheese and homemade guacamole
Thursday-Fish Sticks and mac and cheese
Friday- Make Your own Pizza

What is your favorite fast and easy meal to make?

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  1. Tostadas from leftovers- it kind of fits in your Mexican theme. Take corn tortillas and fry them up in some oil till light golden. Layer with refried beans, brisket, salsa, guac, and whatever you have. Tasty!

  2. Mmmm...Briskit sounds so good! You made me want to have it for dinner too. I thought I had one in the freezer, but I don't. I'll guess we'll end up with chicken enchiladas instead.


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