Friday, April 24, 2009

Freebie Friday

One of my fabulous readers Amanda sent me this photo of a dress she made for her super cute little girl. She got inspiration from this post. She did a great job! Her daughter is going to be very cute today in this great dress! Thank you Amanda for sharing!

I am very excited about this weekend.... big garage sales. The swanky neighborhoods around town have some great sales. We will be hitting them early Saturday morning. Last year I found some great items. I hope to be sharing some of my finds next week.

Free bug spray and sunscreen- We are looking forward to days in the sun! After dark it seems we get lots of mosquitos, no fun.

Free Whole Foods Bag- This is a freebie offered for Oprah viewers. Go get yours while supplies last.

Free Huggies Diaper- Try the new 1:2 size for babies up to 15 pounds. Well... that excludes my baby. I should stop calling her a baby she will be 2 in a few weeks.

Free Photo Card- Kodak has some easy steps to get your free card.

Free Nail Care Kit- From Fungi-Care. This would be really handy to keep in your purse or your car.

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1 comment:

  1.'ll have to email me where! Bella is going to spend the weekend with Grandma and Poppy so we should actually be able to go garage sale-ing! Oh..we also have to finish the boys room but we'll need a diversion at some point!


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