Saturday, March 21, 2009

Working Weekend

What a busy weekend we are having... it is Saturday evening and I've already:
  • Cleaned out and organized my pantry (post coming this week)
  • Went garage sale shopping
  • Bargain shopped for new landscaping
  • Planted new landscaping for the front yard
  • Oh yeah and I pulled a ton of weeds

I am exhausted!

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  1. Good for you! My goal for after Spring Break when kids are back in school is to get organized room by room! I am ready to purge! Can't wait to see your post!

  2. Did you find bargains for landscaping?? Please post!! :)

  3. Photos and details coming this week!

    Sunday, today is my day of rest after all the hard work. Well except for all the laundry I have to do.


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