Friday, March 20, 2009

Freebie Friday

Frozen Minute Maid Products- sign up and get coupons for free stuff. I loved those triangle push up Popsicles when I was a kid. Do they still make those?

Free Charmin Toilet Roll Extender- I don't buy the extra big rolls because, well you know I am too cheap I don't want to buy a special paper rod. Now I get one for free!

Free Shaker Cup and vitamin sample- free vitamins send me some!

Toby the Train coloring book- my kids love coloring, this makes a great activity book to keep in the car.

Free Spatula from Weber grills- YEAH! I love free cooking tools. Grill season is beginning!!

Free Tote bag- check this super cute bag below... really a free bag like this for signing up. I sure hope I get one because I LOVE IT! This would be the best freebie EVER!

Free Bra for taking a survey- so I did this one. It says it is from the Oprah magazine. It asks where you purchase bras and your sizes. Then at the end you give an address. Kinda weird I am thinking so someone out there knows my size and address hope it isn't some weirdo's. After the survey it does route to Oprah's magazine site.

New Review and Giveaway site- my favorite blogger McMommy has a new site. This girl is hilarious, her blog brings a smile to my face everytime a read. She so would be my friend in real life. OK... I sound blogger wierd now! Check her out, she has some giveaways to enter.

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  1. I LOVE that tote bag! My work has the link blocked though :( I'll try to remember to come back from my home computer later.

  2. Awesome! I hope I get the bag too!

  3. Triangle popsicles...I do remember those too!!!!
    Love that tote bag. Going there NOW!!

  4. We are totally BFFs!!! Love that bag! I must go sign up now!


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